About Us
Southern Sleep is a long-established specialised Adelaide sleep study service for diagnosis and management of sleep apnoea and other sleep-related disorders
Southern Sleep operates in modern and sophisticated facility for investigation and treatment of sleep disorders and caters for privately insured patients, Veterans and uninsured (Medicare) patients.

Southern Sleep Service
- Short waiting times for sleep studies (usually less than 2 weeks)
- Short waiting times for specialist consultation with experienced sleep consultant in the private practice setting
- Rapid turnover of sleep study results (up to 7 days)
Southern Sleep has established ambulatory sleep study services based in southern Adelaide and provides services to the Adelaide Metropolitan, Southern and Adelaide Hills areas. Our outreach service covers the Victor Harbor and Goolwa areas.
Please note that current Medicare requirements mandate that in order to have a sleep study prior to specialistassessment, patients should have ESS score of 8 or more and OSA50 / STOP-BANG questionnaire score of 5 or more.

Sleep studies can be booked and patient appointments made by calling the Southern Sleep number located on our request form and/or faxing the request form.
8373 4430
(08) 8177 0689

Arranging a Study
Southern Sleep accepts referrals from both general practitioners and specialists. Bookings can be made by calling our number or by simply faxing the completed and signed referral to our office fax number
8373 4430
(08) 8177 0689
Referrals should be accompanied by Epworth Sleepiness Score (ESS) and STOP-BANG or OSA-50 questionnaires (available from the download area on this site). Upon receipt your referral will be reviewed by one of our medical specialists, after which our friendly administrative staff will contact you to make the booking.
We accept any signed referral forms by a medical practitioner. Southern Sleep referral forms and questionnaire are available for download from our website or can be ordered by calling our office.
Medical practitioners can order our referral form pads using our fax order form. We will send you an information pack which includes everything you need to know about your sleep study along with a questionnaire which is to be completed and mailed back to us prior to your study. After detailed analysis of the data from your study and report by a sleep specialist, your results can be sent back directly to your referring doctor and a consultation with one of our specialists will be arranged.